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Bellina Skupiewski

4.05.2014 21:58
Hi, my name is Jose Antonio Bellina, l am a Peruvian living in Canada. My family is searching for the first Bellina who arrived in Peru and we have information that he could be Anton Skupiewski Baron of Bellina, who fought with Napoleon"s "Grande Armée" and after the defeat in Waterloo he went first to New York and was contacted by an Aide de Camp of Argentinian General José de San Martin. He went to Argentina and and participated in all the campaign,that culminated with the Independence of Peru. He died in the north of my country in an advanced age.
All the Bellinas in Peru are members of the same family, the are no new arrivals from others countries like Italy. Could yo send more information of this historical person and if is it possible some portrait.
Many thanks
Jose A. Bellina

Komentarze (4)

5.05.2014 09:50
Hi Jose Antonio,

I did a quick search of Antoni Skupiewski h. Bellina and for this moment I only found the post on this forum that you probably already found - viewtopic.php?f=36&t=9095
I will keep looking and let you know if I will found anything interesting.

Best regards,
12.05.2014 18:50
Many thanks for your interest. I am sure that I am going to have more information about this person in this forum. The information that I have been able yo collect in Argentina and Peru show a person of unyielding character and little discipline, but in the other hand, a very good soldier. Regards,
JA Bellina
7.10.2016 20:35
It is possible that the first part of your surname (Bellina) derives from the coat of arms known in Poland as Belina. My suspicion is based on the fact that one of the families who use this coat of arms is the Skupiewski family. I also found a Polish opera singer who used the same name of Belina Skupiewski. The origins of this noble family are traced to the medieval Czech Kindom, later with the baptism of Poland accepted from the Chechs this family moved to Poland and people bearing this coat of armes could be found in Krakow, Sandomierz and Sieradz regions. http://www.wladcy.myslenice.net.pl/Pols ... Belina.htm
30.07.2017 17:33
Hi Jose Antonio,

The above placed theory of the origin of this name seams to be probably

In My Heritage are Bellina's in Sweden, Italy and Peru

maybe the similar form of this name Belina is the same?

from My heritage - only this Antoni I have found

Antoni Tomasz Skupiewski h. Belina
born: 17 gru 1783
willage Nowiny parish Jadów
Seweryn Franciszek Skupiewski coat of arms Belina
1755 - 1813
Józefa Skupiewska (nee Kawecka)
Józef Maciej Skupiewski coat of arms Belina
1787 - ?
Ludwika Szmidt-Kowalska (nee Skupiewska)
1807 - ?
Marcjanna Skupiewska
1809 - ?
Michał Skupiewski coat of arms Belina
1813 - ?
Adam Skupiewski coat of arms Belina
1805 - 1854
Jakub Skupiewski coat of arms Belina
1807 - 1808
Karolina Apolonia Urbańska (nee Skupiewska)
1811 - ?
Aleksander Skupiewski coat of arms Belina
1814 - ?

tree of familys
Kujawski Pietrasik Łabuda
Przemysław Urban
Kontact to Przemysław
