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I'm looking for a house/place in Warsaw

20.12.2015 13:00
Dear researchers,

I wish I could speak polish because it seems like the forum has wonderful informations to offer, also the whole website is very good! But maybe in the next years I'll learn how to speak.

I have a document from 1950 which names a location where my great-grandmother used to live in Warsaw.

Warszawa 12
ul. Wiktorska 8/29

Is there any way to find this place today?

Thanks a lot for your help!


Komentarze (3)

20.12.2015 19:33

Ich spreche nicht englisch und wohne ich nicht Warszawa.
Du kanast die GoogleMaps nutzen, um die notwendige Adresse zu finden.
Folgendes Link kann Dir etwas helfen
www.google.pl/maps/place/Wiktorska+8,+W ... 54e1?hl=pl

Ich wuensche Dir viel Erfolg mit der Suchung der Familiemwuerzeln.
20.12.2015 20:12
Danke für die Antwort. Ich war mir nicht sicher ob Wiktorska 8 das gleiche ist wie Wiktorska 8/29 (vielleicht ist es die Nummer der Wohnung)

Thanks for your reply, I was just not sure whether Wiktorska 8 is the same as Wiktorska 8/29 (maybe it's the apparment number or something)

8.02.2016 09:20
Hi Sebastian,

The street is Wiktorska 8 and 29 is the is flat number.

I checked the Google Street view and under under this street number there is quite new building. It can be that the building has been thear down or that the numbers on the street was changed sometime between 1950 and 2016.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,