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27.04.2010 09:10

All posts can be translated into English for interested users, please do not hesitate to ask for a help.

Marta Czerwieniec

Komentarze (4)

19.10.2010 11:42
Gdyby była taka potrzeba ,mogę pomóc z językiem francuskim
1.04.2011 16:18
My understanding is that you might be able to help me by translating and posting my request - is this correct ? My name is Richard Boczkowski living in Canada and I am trying to trace my "Boczkowski" side of the family.

Does anyone knows anything about my Boczkowski roots. Here is what I know. My father is Stanislaw born in 1919 in Proskirow, Wolyn. Stanislaw's father was Aleksander (1890-1966 born in Christowka near Zaslaw) and mother Irena Zurakowska (1899-1994 born in Proskirow). They lived nearby in Oleszkowce and later in Krzemieniec. After the war they were resettled in Zabrze. Aleksander had two sisters - Waclawa (may have been active in PTPOW around 1915 in Bialogrodki and married to Bogdan Leon Bujwid) and Zofia (married to Gustaw Czeczukowicz) as well as two brothers - Wladyslaw (married Helena Lewicka) and Stanislaw (married Walentyna Miller). Their parents were Josef and Jadwiga Czerczycka. Apparently Josef was involved in administrating a Sanguszko estate or some aspect of it. I have no information prior to Josef.

If you cannot post this, can you advise what I should do ? I am new to this kind of activity.

Many thanks - Ryszard
4.04.2011 00:28
My understanding is that you might be able to help me by translating and posting my request - is this correct ? My name is Richard Boczkowski living in Canada and I am trying to trace my "Boczkowski" side of the family.

Does anyone knows anything about my Boczkowski roots. Here is what I know. My father is Stanislaw born in 1919 in Proskirow, Wolyn. Stanislaw's father was Aleksander (1890-1966 born in Christowka near Zaslaw) and mother Irena Zurakowska (1899-1994 born in Proskirow). They lived nearby in Oleszkowce and later in Krzemieniec. After the war they were resettled in Zabrze. Aleksander had two sisters - Waclawa (may have been active in PTPOW around 1915 in Bialogrodki and married to Bogdan Leon Bujwid) and Zofia (married to Gustaw Czeczukowicz) as well as two brothers - Wladyslaw (married Helena Lewicka) and Stanislaw (married Walentyna Miller). Their parents were Josef and Jadwiga Czerczycka. Apparently Josef was involved in administrating a Sanguszko estate or some aspect of it. I have no information prior to Josef.

If you cannot post this, can you advise what I should do ? I am new to this kind of activity.

Many thanks - Ryszard

Rozumiem, że możesz mi pomóc w tłumaczeniu i zamieszczaniu postów - zgadza się? Nazywam się Richard Boczkowski, mieszkam w Kanadzie i staram się odnaleźć ślady rodziny Boczkowski.

Czy ktokolwiek wie cokolwiek na temat korzeni mojej rodziny Boczkowskich. Co wiem:
Mój ojciec Stanisław ur. w 1919 r. w Płoskirowie na Wołyniu, ojciec Stanisława - Aleksander (1890-1966) ur. w Christówce k/Zasławia i matka Irena Żurakowska (1899-1994) ur. w Płoskirowie.
Mieszkali w Oleszkowcach, a następnie w Krzemieńcu. Po wojnie zostali repatriowani do Zabrza.
Aleksander miał 2 siostry - Wacławę (być może działająca w PTPOW około 1915 roku w Białogródkach, wyszła za mąż za Bogdana Leona Bujwida) oraz Zofia (żona Gustawa Czeczukowicza), jak również 2 braci - Władysław (żonaty z Heleną Lewicką) i Stanisław (żonaty z Walentyną Miller).
Rodzicami Aleksandra i jego rodzeństwa byli Józef i Jadwiga dd. Czerczycka.
Prawdopodobnie Józef był administratorem w dobrach Sanguszków. Nie posiadam wcześniejszych informacji niż o Józefie.

Z podziękowaniami,

Post zamieszczony w dziale "Szukam rodziny..."
17.09.2019 16:13
I am using Google Chrome and the translate feature to translate the Polish Language pages. I find this feature extremely helpful. I also use Google translate - but with caution. I will edit the suggested wording if it doesn't seem to match my understanding of the Polish language. I recommend these resources to those who are not highly fluent in Polish.